Privacy Policy

ScribeBerry Ltd. ("ScribeBerry", "we", "us", or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information when you use our web app (the "App") that utilizes third-party technologies to transcribe and summarize recorded audio and generate notes from small text inputs.

By using the App, you agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

Information We Collect

ScribeBerry does not store any data submitted through the App apart from user data - which includes login information and usage information. The data you submit, including your audio recordings, transcriptions, summaries, and any other data you provide, may be stored by third-parties in accordance with their respective data policies. All third-party technologies we employ are fully privacy compliant. Upon signing in to our application, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.

ScribeBerry provides a web app that uses self-hosted or third party services to transcribe and summarize live or recorded audio into summarized notes, as well as generate large notes from small text inputs using self-hosted and third-party technology.

The third-party technologies include Microsoft Azure’s OpenAI and/or Anthropic’s Claude. These third party services may be utilized (independent of our own self-hosted service) depending on provider location, content-filtering policies, or data-storage policies in compliance with PIPEDA, provincial Canadian, and HIPAA based privacy regulations.

No user data submitted is retained to train any LLM model, whether third-party, or locally hosted by Scribeberry on Microsoft Azure. Scribeberry has a submitted PIA (privacy impact assessment) to the OIPC in Alberta.

Scribeberry has BAA agreements with Microsoft Azure and with Anthropic to ensure data privacy compliance. No data is shared directly with OpenAI. The terms and conditions outline a BAA. The BAA is agreed upon on login to the app by the user

Scribeberry does not have access to any data submitted to and from the LLM, which is encrypted at-rest and in-transit to and from the user’s device. Scribeberry only sees encrypted keys (a random collection of numbers/text) that allows us only to synchronize notes across devices.

ScribeBerry itself does not store any user data apart from user login information and usage data. Scribeberry is HIPAA and PIPEDA compliant.

How We Use Your Information

We only use your personal information to create your profile and track user and usage data. The health data submitted through the App may be used by third-parties for their purposes as outlined in their respective data policies.

All third-party technologies we employ are privacy compliant. Refer to the terms and conditions for further detail.

Information Disclosure

We do not disclose your personal information to any third parties. None of the user data (ie.emails, usage data) is shared with third-party groups. Health information is shared with third-parties in a privacy compliant manner.

Your Responsibilities

You, as the vendor, are solely responsible for the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of any patient-sensitive data or other data you submit through the App. By using the App, you represent and warrant that:

a. You have the necessary permissions, consents, and patient informed consents to submit the data through the App.

b. You will comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations in relation to the data you submit through the App.

c. You will not submit any data that is false, misleading, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate.

ScribeBerry shall not be liable for any unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure of patient or other sensitive data submitted through the App.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website or within the App, and by updating the effective date at the top of this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the App after the effective date of the updated Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:


Last updated:2023-12-03